As Women’s History Month nears its end, New Jersey lawmakers have introduced legislation to recognize the African American women who served in the Women’s Army Corps’ 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion during World War II. The bill pending in the New Jersey Senate will designate ...
OK, here is a test. Go to your favorite bank. Tell your banker you spent $68,000 last year and your salary or income was $49,000. And you are there to ask for a loan.
Oh, you tell the banker that last year you borrowed over $18,000 to pay for the service on your $3.6 million debt. Now you ask ...
Dear Annie: Thousands of grandparents and extended family members are stepping in to raise children in today’s world, often due to parents struggling with substance abuse. While many of us take on this responsibility out of love and necessity, it comes with its own set of emotional ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain what is cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein and the significance of a high HDL cholesterol value? What about non-HDL cholesterol? I have had cholesterol tests for the past 30 years with HDL readings that had a low of 68 mg/dL and a high of 117 mg/dL. Two ...
Richard W. Jones
State College
Mr. Trump has succeed where generations of dictators failed. He shut down the Voice of America.
Hitler tried. So did Tojo. And Stalin, Castro, Mao, Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-Il and a few others in history’s rogues’ gallery.
But only Trump succeeded in ...
As a Millennial, I grew up with Disney movies — frequently at my grandmother’s. I’d wager that a lot of my cohort had that experience.
My favorites, for a variety of reasons, were “Beauty and the Beast” and “Mulan.”
But, as I’ve aged, “The Lion King” is where the most ...