
Finding Faith: Check your oil!

Rev. Joyce Bucknor

This has been my husband’s advice to our children ever since they received their driver’s license. He has installed into their memory the absolute necessity of lubricating their vehicle and the disastrous effects of not doing so.

When you compare your spiritual life and what it needs to the functions of any mechanical mechanism, you will find that both must have oil.

When an engine is lacking oil, it not only has its parts in harm’s way of breaking down but the engine itself doesn’t run to maximum capacity.

The same is true with your spiritual life, the real you. You need to be filled with God’s oil to function properly in today’s world. Reading the Word of God, spending time with God, being thankful and examining yourself for any reason that would cause unforgiveness, bitterness or even fear in our lives, will replenish your oil.

The parable from Jesus of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 expounds on the need for oil in our lives. Jesus gives the warning to always be prepared since we never know when we will need the oil of God. He also reminds us that the acquisition of this oil is personal. You cannot borrow, claim or even purchase someone else’s oil. You must have your own. Only your oil purchase with your time and efforts will condition and maintain your spirit. Jesus confirms this with Him identifying you as His own. In verse 12 Jesus says “Verily I say unto you, I know you not” to those who have no oil, thus eliminating them from entering with the bridegroom.

Therefore, as my husband would say, “Check your oil.” This ritual will maintain your life and your identity as a bride of Christ.

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Finding Faith is written by area pastors. This week’s column comes from Pastor Joyce Bucknor of Kingdom of Life Ministries, Lock Haven.

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