
Clinton County Court of Common Pleas schedule for Sept. 23-Sept. 27

(Editor’s Note: The Clinton County Court of Common Pleas schedule listed below is not in its entirety. The Express does not list cases involving PFAs, minors and other sensitive civil cases.)

LOCK HAVEN — The following schedule for Sept. 23-Sept. 27 is provided by the Clinton County Court of Common Pleas and is subject to change depending on the needs of the court system. Domestic relations hearings are also restricted and are not listed.

Abbreviations — CR denotes criminal procedures; CV civil procedures.

Names listed first are the names of the defendants and names near the end of each designation with the “/” between are the last names of the attorneys involved in the cases.

CPM is for hearings before Judge Craig Miller. MFS is for hearings before Judge Michael Salisbury. DA stands for District Attorney and PD for public defender. ARD is a first offender probation program. Revo stands for revocation hearings of different types and PWV is probation without verdict.

Monday, Sept. 23

8 a.m.

MFS-Tentative Trial Date

11 a.m.

CPM/MFS-Meeting with Prothonotary

Tuesday, Sept. 24

8:15 a.m.

MFS-Nicholas Scott Hanley, CR, Status Conf., DA/Johnson

MFS-Cameron E. Derrick, CR, Motion for Modification of Bail, DA/George Lepley

8:30 a.m.

MFS-Chelcie Elizabeth Styers, CR, PRC Revo., DA/Johnson

MFS-Dakota M. Kautz, CR, Further Hearing/Arraignment, DA/Lingle

MFS-Aleah Louise Shaffer, CR, Guilty Plea, DA/G. Lepley


CPM/MFS-Criminal Court

10:30 a.m.

MFS-Behavior Health Court Committee Meeting

10:45 a.m.

MFS-Behavioral Health Court

1:15 p.m.

MFS-Treatment Court Committee Meeting

2 p.m.

MFS-Treatment Court

4 p.m.

CPM-Accountability Court

Thursday, Sept. 26

8 a.m.

MFS-Regional Veterans Treatment Court

9 a.m.

Sr. Judge Anderson-Loren Kessan Way, Summary Appeal, DA/Paul Ryan

1:30 p.m.

CPM/MFS-Unit I meeting Williamsport

Friday, Sept. 27

8 a.m.

MFS-Tentative Trial Date

4 p.m.

CPM-Accountability Court

Starting at $3.69/week.

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