
Homeless man wanted for vehicle theft, other charges

Shane Cross

RENOVO — Renovo Borough Police have issued arrest warrants for Shane Cross, 28, regarding various alleged crimes he’s committed within the borough.

Cross is accused of stealing two vehicles in the 9000 Block of Renovo Road on July 5, police said.

According to police, a blue 2003 Chevrolet Suburban and a red 2009 Chevrolet Impala were taken.

Warrants were also issued for Cross regarding false identification to law enforcement, possession of cocaine, possession of heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia stemming from an incident that took place on July 4, police said.

At about 10:10 p.m., officers were called to the area of 9325 Renovo Road for reports of a home invasion in progress, police said.

Through an investigation, it was determined that Cross was allegedly under the influence of illegal drugs and the incident they were called for did not occur, police said.

Cross provided police with a false name and date of birth at the time and was found to have suspected crack cocaine and heroin with him as well as a smoking pipe, police said.

Police currently have a felony arrest warrant, among others, issued for Cross through District Judge Frank Mills’ office with other agencies having issued different additional arrest warrants.

Anyone with information on Cross’s location or the vehicles is asked to contact Renovo Police at 570-923-2102, by contacting the 911 Dispatcher’s office at 570-923-2268, by email at renovopolice36@gmail.com or by submitting a tip on www.crimewatch.com.


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