
Avis man sentenced up to 15 years for meth distribution

Gilbert Jeffrey Stevenson, Jr.

LOCK HAVEN — Gilbert Jeffrey Stevenson, Jr., 50, most recently of Avis, was sentenced recently to a maximum of 15 years in state prison, with initial parole eligibility after seven years. According to a release from District Attorney Dave Strouse’s office, Stevenson faced several charges relating to his operation of a methamphetamine distribution operation out of a trailer and adjacent buildings located in the rear of the property at 411 W. Martin St.

Stevenson, who was on state parole supervision at the time of his arrests, was found in possession of more than 140 grams of methamphetamine in June of 2023, and has been incarcerated pending trial ever since, the release said.

Stevenson entered pleas and was sentenced before President Judge Craig P. Miller.

The Commonwealth was represented by Strouse with Matthew Diemer, Esquire, representing Stevenson.

The guilty pleas and sentencing came just days before Stevenson was set to face a jury trial on Tuesday, June 18, for possession with intent to distribute charges, the release said.

As a result of his guilty pleas, Stevenson is also subject to years of additional state prison time as the crimes occurred while he was on state parole, according to the release.

The State Parole Board will determine any additional time that Stevenson may face.


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