
MH Boro reviews police contract with BE Twp

MILL HALL — The Mill Hall Borough Council covered a lot in their most recent board meeting, tying up loose ends and moving to the community.

The upcoming contract between Mill Hall Borough and Bald Eagle Township regarding police coverage has been an ongoing topic of discussion between both municipalities.

The contract negotiations came to a brief standstill in August when Brian Evarts from Pennsylvania State Police at Lamar attended a Bald Eagle Township meeting to inform the supervisors what he understood about the contract he was shown.

His claims about state police coverage in the township as a result of the contract turned out to be untrue. With the concerns rectified, contract negotiations could resume.

“We had a slight hiatus, but it has been cleaned up and rectified thanks to work from the Mill Hall Borough, (Mayor Tom) Bossert and the whole crew. … It’s proceeding. It looks very good and I’m happy to tell you (all) that,” said Bald Eagle Township Chairman Stephen Tasselli in their most recent meeting on Sept. 16.

In this week’s meeting, Mill Hall Borough unanimously approved an action item that would allow attorney Paul Ryan to prepare an amendment to the ordinance.

Council also approved Resolution 2024-2 which authorizes a partnership with Clinton County Government to obtain designation from the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority as a Broadband Ready Community.

During their July 23 meeting, council heard from Emily Walker, Community Affairs Manager at Brightspeed, regarding Brightspeed’s plans for broadband in Mill Hall. She spoke about Brightspeed’s project overview, indicating the usage of existing infrastructure rather than tearing up roadways to lay fiber optic cable.

During this meeting the supervisors also:

— approved Trick-or-Treating to be held on Oct. 31, 2024 from 6 – 8 p.m. in the borough.

— approved PRIMA renewal for Mill Hall Borough’s Liability and Property coverage, increasing deductibles to $1,000 for Auto and Property, not to exceed $33,500.

— approved Hoy Inspection Service, LLC. to conduct sidewalk inspections at an hourly rate of $25, up to 10 hours a week until the job is complete. They have also approved sidewalk repair letters and guidelines that will be issued after the inspections are complete.

— approved Paul Gramley to be hired as a part-time police officer at a rate of $21 an hour.

— approved the low bid from Charles Construction in the amount of $10,805 for road repairs within Mill Hall Borough.

— tabled Resolution 2024-3 which would have authorized the borough to sell property where the discontinued pump station sits; further discussions will be forthcoming.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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