
Gallagher Twp. launches 175th anniversary celebration

LOCK HAVEN — The Gallagher Township Board of Supervisors will launch a year-long 175th Anniversary of the formation of the township on Sunday, Oct. 6, at the former Caldwell one room school and the Gallagher Township Municipal Building, 11837 Coudersport Pike, Lock Haven.

“The 175th Celebration of Gallagher Township will be a year to remember,” said William “Will” Mann, chairman of the board. “We look forward to having this celebration of our history uniting our residents, area businesses, out of town campers, hunters and tourists who visit here throughout the year.”

The Oct. 6 kick off celebration event will begin at 1 p.m. with Open House tours of the Caldwell School and the township municipal building.

Lifelong Gallagher Township resident and former Caldwell School student, Warren Gottschall, 87, will share reminiscences and memorabilia about the school he attended, grades one through eight, from 1944 through 1952.

Members of the Caldwell School Committee, who have been meeting to discuss possible repairs and future use of the school, will also be on hand to talk about the history of the building. Anyone who has photographs or Caldwell School-related items are encouraged to bring them to share.

The Gallagher Township Municipal Building complex, which was dedicated and opened in November 2016, includes an office, meeting room, two-bay service garage, storage buildings and parking area.

Supervisors Brian Hoy, William “Bill” McCoy and Will Mann will conduct tours of the township building where light refreshments will be provided.

At 2 p.m. Bill Klebe, pastor of the People’s Church of Caldwell and Woolrich Community Church, will give the invocation, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

Loretta Coltrane, 175th Gallagher Township Anniversary Coordinator, will discuss the township’s early history, the Caldwell School and the Municipal Building.

Clinton County Commissioner Jeff Snyder will issue a Proclamation to commend the township upon reaching the milestone of their Demisemiseptcentennial (175th Anniversary). Citations from the Pennsylvania Senate and Pennsylvania House of Representatives will also be presented.

For more information about Gallagher Township 175th Anniversary Events access their website at www.gallaghertownshippa.gov and on Facebook.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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