
Council OKs engineering costs for dam removal

LOCK HAVEN — Lock Haven City Council is taking steps to remove the Castanea Dam, which was permanently drained in 2020 due to being deemed unsafe by the Department of Environmental Protection.

During its meeting Monday night, council voted to approve engineering costs for the removal project. It was noted DEP’s High Hazard Potential Dam Grant will cover removal costs, except for engineering.

In a letter sent to City Manager Greg Wilson from Gwin Dobson & Foreman, it was noted that DEP requires the city to “immediately design, permit and prepare plans and specifications for the project” to be considered for the grant.

The estimated project cost, according to Gwin Dobson, is about $1.7 million.

Gwin Dobson, per the city’s request, will provide its professional services to gain DEP’s approval of the project and a reservoir stream restoration.

“This work generally involves site surveys, field investigations, siltation and samping studies, environmental report, hydraulic engineering, design development, site plans, plans, specifications, details, permit applications, E&S plans, sediment management plan, PNDI search, PHMC Cultural Resource report, Act 14 notifications and related design work,” Gwin Dobson wrote.

Gwin Dobson provided an estimated $59,000 cost for the scope of the work, which equals out to 500 hours with design work expected to be finished by the fall.

It was noted, due to it being an estimate, the cost could be lower depending on the hours put into the project.

“Work will be invoiced based on the actual time incurred at the standard personnel hourly rates along with reimbursable expenses,” Gwin Dobson wrote.

In other business council:

— Approved a use request of Zindel Park and the watershed trail for the 2025 Frozen Snot Trail Race to be held on Feb. 1.

— Approved a resolution which affirmed participation in the Sustainable Pennsylvania Certification Program.

— Received a notice of settlement between Clinton County’s real estate taxing bodies and SV Propco LLC (formerly Susqueview).

— Approved a request for an additional $1,000 from the Lock Haven Area Flood Protection Authority for its 2024 funding. “We presently do not have sufficient funds in our account to cover current obligations. We continue to face increases in our costs and have had increased staff time involved with flowage easement encroachment requests,” a letter from Authority Director Richard Marcinkevage said. The letter further requested the council increase its 2025 budgeted funding to $5,000.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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