
KC super talks minutes, financial reports

MILL HALL — Keystone Central School District Superintendent Dr. Frank Redmon went over a new procedure to review minutes, one he hopes will make the approval process smoother and more efficient.

Following discussion about meetings minutes at previous school board meetings, Redmon said he and Christine Taylor, administrative assistant, reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order to better understand the details on what needed to be reflected in official meeting minutes for the board.

In particular, Redmon referenced a specific passage related to if it was necessary to summarize matters for minutes to be complete.

“No, not only is it not necessary to summarize matters discussed a meeting in the minutes, it is improper to do so,” he said. “Minutes are a record of what is done at the meeting, not of what was said.”

In an effort to give the board time to review meeting minutes prior to consideration, Redmon said Taylor will begin forwarding a draft to the board prior to scheduled work sessions.

“This way board members can send request for corrections to the board secretary prior to the meeting, so minutes are correct and ready for the board to review in the work setting and then adopted at the vote meeting,” Redmon said.

Redmon said the plan moving forward is to send the draft out a week after the voting session.

“Please have all of your corrections to Christine, Butch and me by the Friday before the work meeting,” he said.

Redmon also went over requests made by board members for more detailed breakdowns of financial information.

“Please recall that in the report section of the agenda there are three reports,” he said.

The first of those is a Treasurer’s Report which, Redmon said, shows the “various district investments, accounts and balances.

The second is a financial statement which “shows the total revenue and expenses plus a more detailed information on expenses and the various sectors of our system such as regular education, maintenance, food service,” he said.

Redmon noted the Finance Committee reviews these reports on the fourth Tuesday of each month and they’re available publicly the Monday afternoon before a work session on the district’s website.

The third report regards attendance, he said.

Board members present did not offer any comment or questions following Redmon’s presentation of information.

In other business the board:

— Approved an agreement with Link Computer Corporation for the 2024-2025 school year, not to exceed $45,526. paid for by the General Fund.

— Approved an agreement with Lycoming-Clinton Joinder Board for the 2024-2025 School year not to exceed $30,000. According to information provided to the board, the district is required to have a Student Assistance Program (SAP) which is provided through the agreement.

It is a requirement that every school have SAP (Student Assistance Program) in every school. This agreement secures the two employees who support each of our schools and all of the students who attend them. The purpose of these two SAP liaisons is to act as a SAP Team member, make recommendations of services, case manage as needed, communicate with families, provide evaluations, crisis response. The cost will be paid through the General Fund.

— Approved Redmon and Kristy Serafini-Brooks as temporary authorized signers for the Enterprise Fleet Management account.

— Approved the BUCS Basic Insurance Quote through PSBA for unemployment claim coverage not to exceed $2,980 for the 24-25 fiscal year. The cost will be paid for through the General Fund.

— Approved various student handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year.


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