
Around the Town

Good Day

and Happy Anniversary to Brenda and Chuck Fetters, of Zion, celebrating 60 years!

Happy Birthday

to George Fultz, of Beech Creek!

Word of the Day

Grinch — A grumpy person who spoils the pleasure of others.

Quote of the Day

The smells of Christmas are the smells of childhood.

— Richard Paul Evans

Helping Hands distribution today

Helping Hands at United Lutheran Church (behind KFC) is held the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Low income families and senior citizens can receive items such as laundry care, cleaning items, soap, garbage bags, ect. Any questions call Kelly Olmstead at 272-209-5912. The next distribution is today, Dec. 18, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Free Soup

The Welker, Kutza and Stack families will be offering a free soup meal to anyone this holiday season. Those interested in receiving a serving of soup, bread and a sweet treat may stop at the Welker Funeral Home, 125 N. Main St., Jersey Shore, parking lot on Christmas Eve between 12 and 2 p.m. All are welcome!

Special Fair Pricing 2025

Clinton County Fair attendees can get their 2025 admission pass booklets for $20 and parking passes for $10 until years end. If anyone has questions you can contact Barb Forshey at 570-263-0356.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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