
Acorn School adds new playground

PHOTOS PROVIDED Students at the Acorn School pose for pictures in their new playground.

Students at the Acorn School pose for pictures in their new playground.

LOCK HAVEN — Acorn School relocated in 2021 to the Holy Spirit Parish Center at 3 E. Walnut St., Lock Haven, and since then has joined Holy Spirit Parish. Since the relocation and union, Acorn School has made fantastic changes for the students. In March 2022, the classroom space added an air conditioning unit with the assistance of Lock Haven Plumbing and Heating. The following summer, Acorn School families pulled together to lay new flooring throughout the lower level of the Parish Center.

This summer was by far the most significant addition for the students as they added a much-needed playground with the help of Discount Diggers.

When the students arrived on their first day of school, they were pleased to have the opportunity to enjoy the newly added fenced-in equipment.

The program director, Malinda Heaton, excitedly said, “It is great to know that our students are safe while having fun. Listening to their laughter and seeing their smiles is the greatest feeling ever and allows the children to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible during our school days.”

For more information about Holy Spirit Parish Acorn School, don’t hesitate to contact them at 570-295-3131 or find them online on Facebook.


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